PDFStitcher was developed in late 2020 to help sewists convert print-at-home PDF sewing patterns into a single large file suitable for use with a projector. Just like printing and taping together a paper pattern, PDFStitcher takes the specified page range, amount to trim from each page, and number of rows or columns and assembles the pages together to form a complete pattern.

PDFStitcher is 100% free and open source software licensed under the Mozilla Public License. It is written in Python and bundled into executables for Windows and Mac using pyinstaller, as well as distributed for linux via FlatPak. The source code is available on GitHub.


PDFStitcher has been developed and tested with the help of many wonderful and patient volunteers at the Projectors for Sewing Facebook group. This is the place to learn about sewing with projectors, so if you’re interested in moving away from paper patterns, check it out. I would especially like to thank those who contributed translations, documentation, constructive feedback, and donations to my fabric fund. If you’re interested in contributing, learn more here.

PDFStitcher is built using a number of other open source tools, including:


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